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Create File

Upload a file that can be used across various endpoints/features. The size of all the files uploaded by one organization can be up to 100 GB.

The size of individual files for can be a maximum of 512MB. See the Assistants Tools guide to learn more about the types of files supported. The Fine-tuning API only supports .jsonl files.

Please contact us if you need to increase these storage limits.

Request Body REQUIRED
file binary REQUIRED
purpose Purpose REQUIRED

Successful Response


MongoDB document ObjectID

id Id

The file identifier, which can be referenced in the API endpoints.

bytes Bytes

The size of the file, in bytes.

created_at Created At

The Unix timestamp (in seconds) for when the file was created.

filename Filename

The name of the file.

object Object14

Possible values: [file]

The object type, which is always file.

purpose Purpose1

Possible values: [fine_tune, fine_tune_results, assistants, assistants_output]

The intended purpose of the file. Supported values are fine-tune, fine-tune-results, assistants, and assistants_output.

status Status

Possible values: [uploaded, processed, error]

Deprecated. The current status of the file, which can be either uploaded, processed, or error.

status_details Status Details OPTIONAL

Deprecated. For details on why a fine-tuning training file failed validation, see the error field on fine_tuning.job.


Validation Error

detail object[] OPTIONAL
loc undefined[]
msg Message
type Error Type